Ani-Magic 2k2 Gallery - Page 2
Due to a misunderstanding and a just plain accident, I didn't have my camera(s) at AM2K2. Thanks to my mom sending up my camera up through my cousin on Sunday afternoon, I was able to get off two rolls of film. =) Yippee!

Here are my 35mm shots of the Oct 4-7th weekend.

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Kie and Lily Kie and Lily another pose Kie and Lily, awww how cute!
Kie and Lily ver2, Kie's feather is in lily's face.. bleh Kie and Lily in a wallpaper type shot Kie and Lily; shot is kinda washed out =\
Kie and Lily in a washed out shadow shot. bleh Lily!!!! nice shades! Lily posing on a rock
Kei lookin cute o_o!  whoah! I love that shimmer on Kie good shot.... but I like the next one better
WOW is this a nice shot of Kie!  seriouly one of my best I've ever taken =) Kie looks great there! Kie posing cute and all Kie and Lily; makes ya wanna play Bustagroove right now huh?  LOL
Kitty as Tightass... errr Tidus Another kitty pose Kitty as Tidus posing on a rock

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